Melissa Fecak, Esq. has over 17 years of experience in Family Law. She is the founder of South Jersey Divorce Solutions, a small family law firm serving the entire State of New Jersey. Ms. Fecak has an office in beautiful Merchantville which serves Camden, Burlington, Gloucester and Mercer counties.
Melissa Fecak is a trained collaborative attorney and mediator, as well as an experienced litigator. Her office handles collaborative divorces, mediated family matters, litigated family matters, divorce, child support, child custody, child relocation, prenuptial agreements, post-judgment applications, enforcement matters, adoptions and other matters in the family court. Currently, Ms. Fecak serves as Past-President of South Jersey Collaborative Divorce Professionals, President of Mid-Jersey Collaborative Law Alliance and as a representative on the New Jersey Council of Collaborative Practice Groups.