
The New Jersey Council of Collaborative Practice Groups is organizing networking events around the state this year in an effort to facilitate connection and contact. Two will occur this winter and two will occur in the spring (in the Princeton and Morristown area). We are dedicated to supporting our collaborative community and developing these relationships amongst our colleagues. We believe networking is a key ingredient. We hope that you will make an effort to attend. There is no need to RSVP as each person attending will simply be responsible for his/her own drink and fare. Each location will have a dedicated area in the bar and a NJ Collaborative Council Member will be there to host and facilitate our connections!

There are the upcoming winter events:

Thursday February 28th 2019
6 pm-9 pm
B2 Bistro and Bar
141 Shrewsbury Avenue
Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
HOST: Julie Davelman, PhD

Friday March 15th 2019
6 pm-8 pm
Fitzgerald 1928
13 Herman Street
Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028
HOSTS: Shireen Meistrich and Ken Rempell